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HIPEC cancer treatment allows woman’s race for life to run its course: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX

Having battled cancer twice – the latest round using a new chemotherapy/surgery combo – Deborah Sexauer is racing to celebrate the many obstacles she’s had to conquer along the way.

6 ways to improve wellness during the pandemic | COVID | UT Southwestern Medical Center

There is no “magic bullet” to achieve wellness, but a well-rounded approach can improve your physical and mental health. Discover six ways to stay well during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Simmons Cancer Center investigators receive more than $17 million in CPRIT funding: Newsroom - UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center at UT Southwestern received more than $17 million in research funds in the latest round of grants awarded by the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT).

CAR-T therapy: Genetically-engineered cells that fight blood cancer | Cancer | UT Southwestern Medical Center

CAR-T therapy could provide a lifesaving treatment option for blood cancer patients who have undergone multiple rounds of chemotherapy without going into remission. Discover how CAR-T therapy works and who might benefit.

Cryo-EM images focus on transporter protein in cancer, multiple sclerosis - CT Plus - UT Southwestern

Knowing the structure of this fat molecule bound to its transporter protein holds promise for someday improving treatments for lung cancer, multiple sclerosis (MS), and other diseases, according to Xiaochun Li, Ph.D., an Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics and Biophysics.

Resident Jeopardy

In preparation for the exam, residency Associate Program Director Deborah Farr, M.D., put the residents through rounds of “Jeopardy.”

Simmons Cancer Center investigators receive more than $5 million in CPRIT funding - CT Plus - UT Southwestern

Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center at UT Southwestern received more than $5 million in research funding in the latest round of grants awarded by the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT).

Online patient scheduling now available 24/7 - CT Plus - UT Southwestern

Last November, UT Southwestern began to phase in online scheduling with a first round of about 100 physicians. During its initial three months, more than 800 patients did just that, and 25 percent of them used the service after 5 p.m. or on the weekend.

Professor Emeritus Cox celebrates providing care for 60-plus years - CT Plus - UT Southwestern

Cox has stopped making rounds and retired.

Song Tutoring | Roberts Lab | UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas

Through intensive vocal practice young birds will gradually learn to imitate the song of their tutor, a process that takes them as many as 6 weeks and tens of thousands of rounds of practice. My laboratory uses several techniques to study the brain circuits involved in this type of learning.